Hoe migratie echt werkt?Op basis van 30 jaar onderzoek maakt hoogleraar Sociologie Hein de Haas korte metten met 22 hardnekkige linkse én rechtse migratiemythen, voorziet hij de lezer van essentiële kennis en confronteert ons met ontnuchterende lessen over migratie. Hoe migratie echt werkt is een inspirerend, onthullend en onmisbaar boek dat onze kijk op de wereld compleet zal veranderen.
Publication Date: 2023
The age of migrationLong established as the leading textbook on migration and used by students and scholars alike all over the world, this fully revised and updated sixth edition continues to offer an authoritative and cutting-edge account of migration flows, why they occur, and their consequences for both origin and destination societies. International migration is one of the most emotive issues of our times, reforging societies around the world and shaping debates on security, national identity and sovereignty in profound ways. The expert authors of this book provide a truly global and interdisciplinary introduction to this perennially important topic, with chapters covering all of the world's regions and spanning the nineteenth century to the present day. Exploring the significance of migration in relation to recent events and emerging trends, from the policies of the European Union to the Great Recession, this text helps to shed light on the often large gap between the rhetoric and realities of migration. For students of migration studies in disciplines as wide ranging as politics, sociology, geography, area studies, anthropology and history this is an indispensable guide, whether already familiar with the subject matter or approaching the topic for the first time. New to this Edition: - Charts the contemporary politics of migration, including the latest statistical data, summary of policy developments and shifts toward anti-immigrant politics and Islamophobia - A brand new chapter on Categories of Migration used to describe migrants and analyse migration, including a discussion on the topical issue of 'climate refugees' - Extended discussion of the impacts of migration and development in origin countries in a new separate chapter at the end of the book - Improved coverage of migration trends in the former Soviet Union and Eastern Europe and Central Asia - Offers a better balance between Western and non-Western regions and perspectives on migration - Draws on up-to-date global data on migration and migration policies - A 'Migration Policy Toolbox', providing a comprehensive overview of different types of migration policies - A new glossary with definitions of key terms in migration, which are also highlighted throughout the text Accompanying online resources for this title can be found at bloomsburyonlineresources.com/the-age-of-migration-6th-edition. These resources are designed to support teaching and learning when using this textbook and are available at no extra cost. The Age of Migration is published by Bloomsbury Academic. In the United States and its dependencies, Canada, Mexico and the Philippines, it is distributed under licence by Guildford Press.
Publication Date: 2020
SuperdiversiteitSuperdiversiteit wordt een basiskenmerk van de 21ste eeuw. De etnisch-culturele diversiteit in Europa neemt verder toe, ook al proberen regeringen vluchtelingen af te schrikken of verdere migratie krampachtig af te remmen. In steden als Brussel, Antwerpen en Genk, of Amsterdam en Rotterdam vormen mensen met wortels in migratie ondertussen al de meerderheid van de stadsbewoners. Superdiversiteit is een nieuw concept, dat de bakens van het debat verlegt. We kunnen immers niet blijven steken in het vastgelopen ideologische debat over de wenselijkheid van een multiculturele samenleving. Het gaat er in de 21ste eeuw niet langer om of we dit willen, maar hoe we met de reële superdiversiteit omgaan. Deze tweede uitgave is volledig geactualiseerd. Het boek brengt zo een synthese van hedendaags onderzoek naar migratie en diversiteit in het hart van Europa. De nieuwe editie gaat in op het groeiende debat over superdiversiteit het voorbije decennium. Het maakt ook duidelijk waarom we de impact van vluchtelingen overschatten bij de demografische transitie naar superdiversiteit. Superdiversiteit is een blikopener en een opstap naar de noodzakelijke normalisering van diversiteit. Het boek geeft een kader voor de interculturalisering, die we in onze samenleving en in alle maatschappelijke sectoren nodig hebben.
Publication Date: 2019
Introduction to migration studiesOpen access interactive textbook on migration studies
Encourages students to search on key theories or concepts
Makes academic literature on migration studies accessible
This book is open access, which means that you have free and unlimited access
UN StatsRooted in the United Nations Charter and guided by the transformative 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UN DESA) upholds the development pillar of the United Nations.
We bring the global community together to work towards common solutions to the world’s most pressing problems. We help countries translate their global commitments into national action in the economic, social and environmental spheres.
UN DESA is a pioneer of sustainable development and the home of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), where each goal finds its space and where all stakeholders can do their part to leave no one behind. We are a leading analytical voice for promoting inclusion, reducing inequalities and eradicating poverty, and a champion for tearing down the barriers that keep people in poverty.
UN DESA helps countries make informed decisions by providing a wealth of information through our publications and databases and through our support for international deliberations at the United Nations General Assembly, Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), Commissions, Forums and other bodies.
Step by step, UN DESA works towards sustainable development for all.