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Unpacking Tourism: Arch 2: Destinations & Stakeholders


Read the following article from the Open Journal for Research in Economics from 2018

Slivar, I. (2018). Stakeholders in a tourist destination – matrix of possible relationships towards sustainabilityOpen Journal for Research in Economics, 1(1),1-10


Given that the fragile balance of sustainability is affected by several actors whose interests need to be harmonized, different forms of association among them are one of the mechanisms for achieving sustainability. A lot of understanding, research, and co-operative effort are required to create and sustain various forms of collaboration of tourism stakeholders. The role of collaboration in tourism destinations has been widely acknowledged, however it is still one of the key stumbling stones of sustainable tourism development in practice. The focus of this paper will be on two-way destination stakeholders’ collaborations, presented systematically in a matrix of typical relationships, representing its theoretical contribution. A panel of experts from the academia, practice and public sector developed the matrix of relationships with the scope of spreading different forms of collaboration between stakeholders aimed at jointly improving the right balance needed for sustainable development in tourism.

You can read the full article here:

Read the following post by Dr Hailey Stainton 

Stainton, H. (2022, June 1). What is Doxey’s Irritation Index and how does it work?. Tourism Teacher.

What is Doxey’s Irritation Index and how does it work?

The 10 As of Successful Tourism Destinations

How can it be determined if a tourism destination is successful or not? And if the destination is judged to be successful, can the DMO take the sole credit for this great achievement? These are hugely difficult questions to answer but nevertheless they should be tackled.

Read the entire article via:

Morrison, A. M. (2014). The 10 As of Successful Tourism Destinations. Retrieved from Research Gate: https://www. researchgate. net/publication/261360325.

NBTC Knowledge base

NBTC Figures & Trends reports about markets and visitors, local residents and destinations,

Also NBTC collects data about who visits the Netherlands and why. MarketScans provide insight information, the national economy and the travel behaviour of inhabitants in each country of origin.

UNWTO ELibrary - World Tourism Organization


In the database WTO-eLibrary you can find all the publications from the World Tourism Organisation. The subject areas reflect all important themes moving the tourism sector and include, among other, ecotourism, sustainable development, finance and investment, risk and crisis management, market research, tourism statistics and poverty alleviation. The UNWTO Elibrary contains books, journals and statistical reports by country and by indicator.

Stay up-to-date with the Word Tourism Barometer:  


Statistics CBS

As the national statistical office, Statistics Netherlands (CBS) provides reliable statistical information and data to produce insight into social issues, thus supporting the public debate, policy development and decision-making while contributing to prosperity, well-being and democracy.

Figures / Statline (statistical database)



Statista is an on-line portal in the field of statistics. It provides access to data from market and opinion research institutions as wel as from business associations and government institutios in English and German. Statista offers statistics and survey results in the form of bar charts and tables.

Data Fryslan

Check out the dashboards of Data Fryslan on tourism (Dutch language)

Toere troch Fryslan: Om de toerist in Friesland beter te leren kennen, is het zinvol om de zogenaamde klantreis (customer journey) van bezoekers aan Friesland in kaart te brengen. DataFryslân heeft hiervoor verschillende (Big-) databronnen bekeken en op een rij gezet. Het beter leren kennen van bezoekers geeft waardevolle inzichten. 

Dashboard toerisme Fryslan: Het aanbod en capaciteit van accommodaties in Fryslân.

Datalandschap toerisme: Dit dashboard geeft een overzicht van het Friese datalandschap(databronnen, organisaties) in het domein Toerisme & Recreatie. 

OECD iLibrary

In the OECD i-Library you can find reports on many topics: economics, politics, environment, energy, education, social sciences and health.

Click on Statistics in the menu and choose de database OECD Tourism statistics to find statistics on  tourism indicators related to domestic travel, international travel, employment and economic data.

The report below is published every two years. It recommended a description of the trends in tourism worldwide and also tourism in 50 different countries, including the Netherlands.


Alle Cijfers

Perspectives 2013

Perspective 2030 is about destination the Netherlands. It is about the transformative power of tourism and the contribution of this industry to the social challenges of The Netherlands. This vision takes into account the major differences between cities and regions. It transcends individual actors and involves related industries and policy areas. Direct and indirect stakeholders, NBTC included, may choose how they wish to contribute to the realisation of the perspective.