Use Catalogue NHL Stenden Library to locate books and journals in the library. Want to know how to find more books in hardcopy or e-books in the library? Use the Information literacy libguide to find out: Information literacy - I want to find a book and Information literacy - Topics and search terms
Journal articles on Media analysis, Concepting, Storytelling, Content analysis and Media theory can be found in the following library databases: Business Source Ultimate, Communication and Mass Media Complete, Science Direct and Sage Premier. Want to know how to find more journal articles? Use the Information literacy libguide to find out: Information literacy - I want to find journal articles and Information literacy - Topics and search terms
Macnamara, J. (2005). Media content analysis: Its uses, benefits and best practice methodology. Asia Pacific Public Relations Journal, 6(1), 1– 34. Retrieved on August 8, 2018, from
Ashley, C., & Tuten, T. (2015). Creative strategies in social media marketing: An exploratory study of branded social content and consumer engagement. Psychology & Marketing, 32(1), 15-27. doi:10.1002/mar.20761 (Find the full text in the Business Source Complete database or the Communication and Mass Media Complete database).
Harms, B., Bijmolt, T. H., & Hoekstra, J. C. (2017). Digital native advertising: Practitioner perspectives and a research agenda. Journal of Interactive Advertising, 17(2), 80-91. doi:10.1080/15252019.2017.1357513
Woodside, A.G.,Sood, SCMiller, K.E.When consumers and brands talk: Storytelling theory and research. Psychology & Marketing, 25(2),97-145. (Find the full text in the Business Source Complete database or the Communication and Mass Media Complete database).
Media Theory is an independent, online and open access journal of peer-reviewed, theoretical interventions into all aspects of media and communications. International and interdisciplinary in scope, the editors encourage submissions that critically engage with the theoretical frameworks and concepts that tend to be taken for granted in national or disciplinary perspectives.
The full text articles of this peer-reviewed journal are available here
New Media & Society engages in critical discussions of the key issues arising from the scale and speed of new media development, drawing on a wide range of disciplinary perspectives and on both theoretical and empirical research. Topics to be covered include: digitalization and convergence; interactivity and virtuality; consumption and citizenship; innovation, regulation and control; the cultures of the Internet; patterns and inequalities of use; community and identity in electronic space; time and space in global culture and everyday life; the politics of cyberspace.
The full text articles of this peer-reviewed journal are available in the database Sage Premier
The International Journal of Communication is an online, multi-media, interdisciplinary journal that, while centered in communication, is open and welcoming to contributions from the many disciplines and approaches that meet at the crossroads that is communication study. We are interested in scholarship that crosses disciplinary lines and speaks to readers from a range of theoretical and methodological perspectives and committed to excellence in communication scholarship, journalism, media research, and application. Peer-reviewed. Full text articles of this journal can be found on the website of IJOC and in the full text database Communication and Mass Media Complete