Use Catalogue NHL Stenden Library to locate books and journals in the library. Want to know how to find more books in hardcopy or e-books in the library? Use the Information literacy libguide to find out: Information literacy - I want to find a book and Information literacy - Topics and search terms
Journal articles on Customer Journey, Content marketing, Social media, Social Networks, Consumer behaviour and Consumer psychology can be found in the following library databases: Business Source Ultimate, Communication and Mass Media Complete, Science Direct and Sage Premier. Want to know how to find more journal articles? Use the Information literacy libguide to find out: Information literacy - I want to find journal articles and Information literacy - Topics and search terms
This book provides comprehensive coverage of a compelling new way to conduct buyer studies, plus practical advice on adopting the buyer persona approach to measurably improve marketing outcomes. Readers will learn how to segment their customer base, investigate each customer type, and apply a radically more relevant process of message selection, content creation, and distribution through the channels that earn the buyers' trust.
The Persona Lifecycle is a field guide exclusively focused on interaction design's most popular new technique. The Persona Lifecycle addresses the'how'of creating effective personas and using those personas to design products that people love. It doesn't just describe the value of personas; it offers detailed techniques and tools related to planning, creating, communicating, and using personas to create great product designs. Moreover, it provides rich examples, samples, and illustrations to imitate and model. Perhaps most importantly, it positions personas not as a panacea, but as a method used to complement other user-centered design (UCD) techniques including scenario-based design, cognitive walkthroughs and user testing.
This book offers a practical guide to the creation and use of personas, which can help product designers, their team, and their organization become more user focused. The book discusses the five phases of persona lifecycle: . Family planning . Conception and gestation . Birth and maturation . Adulthood . Lifetime achievement and retirement. Features all the essential how-to material from its parent book, The Persona Lifecycle, as a quick, at your fingertips companion
Lemon, K.N., & Verhoef, P.C. (2016). Understanding customer experience throughout the customer journey. Journal of Marketing, 80(November), 69-96. Retrieved from
Ashley, C., & , T. (2015). Creative strategies in social media marketing: An exploratory study of branded social content and consumer engagement. Psychology & Marketing, 32(1), 15-27. doi:10.1002/mar.20761 (Find the full text in the Business Source Complete database or the Communication and Mass Media Complete database).
Pelsmacker, P. D., Geuens, M., & Anckaert, P. (2002). Media context and advertising effectiveness: The role of context appreciation and context/ad similarity. Journal of Advertising, 31(2), 49-61.
Schivinski, B., Christodoulides, G., & Dabrowski, D. (2016). Measuring consumers' engagement with brand-related social-media content. Journal Of Advertising Research, 56(1), 64-80. doi:10.2501/JAR-2016-004